
They died young
both my dog and my god
And if my wish would have just one alive
my wish would be my dog

For god I am told
looks after all things
so then that may stay as it will be
And now with each other they be well
both my god and my dog

dogson of Leo
My arms could not reach enough
to hold you forever
Both your father and I were fathers
so also a little cruel
We would have you make your way
in this cruel world as we found it
And now
we cannot find you

I see you

I hear you

but we cannot find you

I sniff the air for your breath
Your dogfather madly paws and sniffs the ground
His howls and my tears
are surely not the best farewell
but that is just what the living do

And the silence gets full
full with memories bitter and sweet
bitter and sweet and bitter
and sweet and

Hold still my breaking bastard heart
Uno lives in you till you may live…

May 2015

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